Friday, 28 December 2012

Why you need a quality Yeast Packaging solution to make sale?

Yeast Packaging
Packaging is not just about wrapping a product under designer papers, it goes beyond these realms. For many, packaging is purely a marketing tool to sell a product and also assists in handling of the product during transportation. Though they are partially right about their notion but the concept of packaging is wider and needs more assessment than it generally gets. Talking of packaging, we have a number of packaging ways defined for different entities like yeast packaging, detergent packaging, soap packaging etc. Literally, every item up for sale requires packaging. But discussing all types of packaging is beyond the scope of this article. For the time being we will go with yeast packaging.

Well, the word yeast is partially adopted from Sanskrit, meaning seethe or boil. In the general perspective, yeast is used for its diverse applications like we use it to bake cakes, pastries and even bread is made out of yeast hence yeast is as essential commodity as anything can be. Thus it requires quality packaging to keep its properties intact. But the question arises what yeast packaging material should be like? Well speaking from experience yeast is used widely in the western world hence if they are sourcing yeast from country far and wide, a greener and safer packaging is required.

When I say greener, I mean the packaging should be devoid of harmful plastic which is non biodegradable. All the international standards should be kept in mind while manufacturing packaging for yeast, more so, when it is a commodity for consumption. Any in ethical packaging practices are enough to put your sales out of bound and you might have to eat a ‘humble pie’.

The end user judges the quality of Yeast Packaging through, the cream which is inside the pack i.e. a typical fresh yeast is ivory in color without dark spots on its surface. Ideally, your yeast packaging should maintain the content of moisture around 70% for compressed yeast while the same can be replicated around 8% for dry yeast, all depending on the requirement and usage.

Flexibles Packaging
A user would accept compressed yeast only in proper yeast packaging paper because control of moisture migration and gas transfer offers it more shelf life. In compressed fresh Yeast Packaging, wax paper reduces gas transfer and controls moisture migration (helps in avoiding the possibility of mould growth) to provide extended shelf life. Compressed yeast automatic Flexible 's Packaging lines run at high speeds. Wax coated paper has the right stiffness and slip properties, enabling high speed cutting of the individual wraps.

The paper used in the process is generally wax paper used for packaging of yeast as; machines roll them faster because of their slippery surface. Nearly all breads and pastries will perform equally well with any of the available yeast products (fresh, active dry, quick rise, or instant) overall wax paper is the best bet for packaging, if you require manufacturing of packaging in plenty for your business.

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